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object Arx 例 绘制禁止开口带

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    发表于 2024-5-2 22:42:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    1. static AcDbObjectId LoadEntity(AcDbEntity* entity)
    2. {
    3. AcDbBlockTable* pBlockTable;
    4. acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase()->getBlockTable(pBlockTable,AcDb::kForRead);
    5. AcDbBlockTableRecord* pBlockTableRecord;
    6. pBlockTable->getAt(ACDB采用MODEL采用SPACE,pBlockTableRecord,AcDb::kForWrite);
    7. AcDbObjectId Id;
    8. pBlockTableRecord->appendAcDbEntity(Id,entity);
    9. pBlockTable->close();
    10. pBlockTableRecord->close();
    11. entity->close();
    12. return Id;
    13. }
    14. static void SetLineWeight(double& weight,bool& isCancel)
    15. {
    16. CString str;
    17. str.Format(采用T("\n禁止开口带线宽: <%.2f>"),weight);
    18. acedInitGet(RSG采用NONEG+RSG采用NOZERO,NULL);
    19. int ret = acedGetReal(str,&weight);
    20. if(ret == RTCAN)
    21. {
    22. isCancel = true;
    23. }
    24. else
    25. {
    26. isCancel = false;
    27. }
    28. }
    29. static void TESTcornercmd()
    30. {
    31. //设置线宽-----------------------------------
    32. bool isCan = false;
    33. ads采用real lineWeight = DEFAULT采用WEIGHT;
    34. SetLineWeight(lineWeight,isCan);
    35. if(isCan)
    36. {
    37. return;
    38. }
    39. //选择一点-----------------------------------
    40. ads采用point ptCorner;
    41. while(true)
    42. {
    43. acedInitGet(RSG采用NONULL,采用T("S"));
    44. int retPt = acedGetPoint(NULL,采用T("\n点选地块转角[设置线宽(S)]:"),ptCorner);
    45. if(retPt == RTNORM)
    46. {
    47. break;
    48. }
    49. else if(retPt == RTKWORD)
    50. {
    51. CString strInput;
    52. acedGetInput(strInput.GetBuffer(10));
    53. strInput.ReleaseBuffer();
    54. if(strInput.CompareNoCase(采用T("S")) == 0)
    55. {
    56. SetLineWeight(lineWeight,isCan);
    57. if(isCan)
    58. {
    59. return;
    60. }
    61. }
    62. }
    63. else
    64. {
    65. return;
    66. }
    67. }
    68. AcGePoint3d ptCorner3d = asPnt3d(ptCorner);
    69. //设置过滤器--------------------------------------
    70. resbuf* strFilter = NULL;
    71. strFilter = acutBuildList(-4,采用T("<and"),
    72. -4,采用T("<or"),
    73. 8,采用T("C1"),//C1层
    74. 8,采用T("C2"),//C2层
    75. 8,采用T("C3"),//C3层
    76. 8,采用T("R2"),//R2层
    77. -4,采用T("or>"),
    78. RTDXF0,采用T("LWPOLYLINE"),///多段线
    79. -4,采用T("and>"),
    80. RTNONE);
    81. ads采用name ssName;
    82. if(acedSSGet(采用T("X"),NULL,NULL,strFilter,ssName) != RTNORM)
    83. {
    84. acutPrintf(采用T("\n未找到符合条件的图形"));
    85. acutRelRb(strFilter);
    86. return;
    87. }
    88. long len = 0;
    89. acedSSLength(ssName,&len);
    90. if(len <=0)
    91. {
    92. acutPrintf(采用T("\n图形数量是0"));
    93. acedSSFree(ssName);
    94. acutRelRb(strFilter);
    95. return;
    96. }
    97. //遍历选择集,找到距离点击位置最近的线段,计算出相邻线段的单位向量----------------------------------
    98. ads采用name en;
    99. AcDbObjectId eId;
    100. AcDbPolyline* plMin = NULL;
    101. int plIndex = 0;
    102. AcDbPolyline::SegType segType;
    103. AcGePoint3d ptClosest;
    104. AcGePoint3d ptMinClose;
    105. double minDist = 0.0;
    106. for(int i = 0;i < len;i++)
    107. {
    108. int rName = acedSSName(ssName,i,en);
    109. if(rName != RTNORM)
    110. {
    111. acutPrintf(采用T("\n获取名称失败"));
    112. continue;
    113. }
    114. Acad::ErrorStatus es = acdbGetObjectId(eId,en);
    115. if(es!=Acad::eOk)
    116. {
    117. acutPrintf(采用T("\n获取ID失败"));
    118. continue;
    119. }
    120. AcDbEntity* pEnt = NULL;
    121. es = acdbOpenObject(pEnt,eId,AcDb::OpenMode::kForRead);
    122. if(es != Acad::eOk)
    123. {
    124. acutPrintf(采用T("\n打开实体失败"));
    125. continue;
    126. }
    127. if(!pEnt->isKindOf(AcDbPolyline::desc()))
    128. {
    129. acutPrintf(采用T("\n第%d个实体不是多段线"),i);
    130. pEnt->close();
    131. continue;
    132. }
    133. AcDbPolyline* pPoly = NULL;
    134. pPoly = (AcDbPolyline*)pEnt;
    135. es = pPoly->getClosestPointTo(ptCorner3d,ptClosest);
    136. if(es != Acad::eOk)
    137. {
    138. acutPrintf(采用T("\n获取最小距离点出错"));
    139. pEnt->close();
    140. continue;
    141. }
    142. double minParam = 0.0;
    143. es = pPoly->getParamAtPoint(ptClosest,minParam);
    144. if(es != Acad::eOk)
    145. {
    146. pEnt->close();
    147. continue;
    148. }
    149. double dist = ptCorner3d.distanceTo(ptClosest);
    150. if(i == 0)
    151. {
    152. minDist = dist;
    153. }
    154. else if(dist >= minDist && i > 0)
    155. {
    156. pEnt->close();
    157. continue;
    158. }
    159. minDist = dist;
    160. AcDbPolyline::SegType st = pPoly->segType(minParam);
    161. if(st == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kArc)
    162. {
    163. AcGeCircArc3d arc3d;
    164. pPoly->getArcSegAt(minParam,arc3d);
    165. segType = st;
    166. plMin = AcDbPolyline::cast(pPoly->clone());
    167. plIndex = minParam;
    168. ptMinClose = ptClosest;
    169. }
    170. else if(st == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kLine)
    171. {
    172. AcGeLineSeg3d line3d;
    173. pPoly->getLineSegAt(minParam,line3d);
    174. segType = st;
    175. plMin = AcDbPolyline::cast(pPoly->clone());
    176. plIndex = minParam;
    177. ptMinClose = ptClosest;
    178. }
    179. pEnt->close();
    180. }
    181. //释放资源-------------------------------------------
    182. //pEnt->close();
    183. acutRelRb(strFilter);
    184. acedSSFree(ssName);
    185. //判断最小距离是否超出了系统允许的最大值
    186. if(minDist >MINDISTANCE)
    187. {
    188. acutPrintf(采用T("\n最小距离至少为%.2f"),MINDISTANCE);
    189. delete plMin;
    190. return;
    191. }
    192. //绘制转角线段-------------------------------------------------
    193. AcDbPolyline * pLine = new AcDbPolyline();
    194. 线段
    195. if(segType == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kLine)
    196. {
    197. AcGeLineSeg2d line2d;
    198. plMin->getLineSegAt(plIndex,line2d);
    199. pLine->addVertexAt(0,line2d.startPoint());
    200. pLine->addVertexAt(1,line2d.endPoint());
    201. }
    202. else if(segType == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kArc)
    203. {
    204. AcGeCircArc2d arc2d;
    205. plMin->getArcSegAt(plIndex,arc2d);
    206. double bulge = 0.0;
    207. plMin->getBulgeAt(plIndex,bulge);
    208. pLine->addVertexAt(0,arc2d.startPoint(),bulge);
    209. pLine->addVertexAt(1,arc2d.endPoint());
    210. }
    211. Acad::ErrorStatus es = pLine->setLayer(strLayer);
    212. if(Acad::eOk != es)
    213. {
    214. acutPrintf(采用T("\n设置层名称出错"));
    215. }
    216. es = pLine->setConstantWidth(lineWeight);
    217. if(Acad::eOk != es)
    218. {
    219. acutPrintf(采用T("\n设置曲线宽度出错"));
    220. }
    221. AcDbObjectIdArray idArr;
    222. AcDbObjectId idLine = LoadEntity(pLine);
    223. idArr.append(idLine);记录ObjId
    224. //绘制禁止开口两边-------------------------
    225. 第一个邻边
    226. //--------------箭头-----------------------
    227. AcGePoint3d pt3dS;
    228. AcGePoint3d pt3dE;
    229. AcGePoint2d pt2dS;
    230. AcGePoint2d pt2dE;
    231. bool gotonext = true;
    232. if(segType == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kArc)
    233. {
    234. AcGeCircArc3d arc3d;
    235. plMin->getArcSegAt(plIndex,arc3d);
    236. AcGeCircArc2d arc2d;
    237. plMin->getArcSegAt(plIndex,arc2d);
    238. pt3dS = arc3d.startPoint();
    239. pt3dE = arc3d.endPoint();
    240. pt2dS = arc2d.startPoint();
    241. pt2dE = arc2d.endPoint();
    242. }
    243. else
    244. {
    245. AcGeLineSeg3d line3d;
    246. plMin->getLineSegAt(plIndex,line3d);
    247. AcGeLineSeg2d line2d;
    248. plMin->getLineSegAt(plIndex,line2d);
    249. pt3dS = line3d.startPoint();
    250. pt3dE = line3d.endPoint();
    251. pt2dS = line2d.startPoint();
    252. pt2dE = line2d.endPoint();
    253. }
    254. AcDbObjectId idPointer1;
    255. DrawPointer(plMin,!gotonext,plIndex,pt3dS,idPointer1);
    256. ads采用real dis=DEFAULT采用LEN;
    257. acedInitGet(RSG采用NOZERO+RSG采用NONEG,采用T("P"));
    258. CString strDis ;
    259. strDis.Format(采用T("\n输入该方向的禁止开口长度[从点击位置算起(P)]<%.2f>:"),dis);
    260. int ret = acedGetReal(strDis,&dis);
    261. int polyIndex = 0;
    262. if(ret == RTCAN)
    263. {
    264. EraseIds(idArr);
    265. RemoveEntity(idPointer1);
    266. delete plMin;
    267. return;
    268. }
    269. else if(ret == RTKWORD)
    270. {
    271. CString str;
    272. acedGetInput(str.GetBuffer(2));
    273. str.ReleaseBuffer();
    274. double length = 0.0;
    275. EraseIds(idArr);
    276. if(str.CompareNoCase(采用T("P")) == 0)
    277. {
    278. AcDbObjectIdArray pIdArr;
    279. strDis.Format(采用T("\n输入该方向的禁止开口长度<%.2f>:"),dis);
    280. acedInitGet(RSG采用NOZERO+RSG采用NONEG,NULL);
    281. ret = acedGetReal(strDis,&dis);
    282. if(ret == RTCAN)
    283. {
    284. RemoveEntity(idPointer1);
    285. delete plMin;
    286. return;
    287. }
    288. double disS = 0.0;
    289. double disE = 0.0;
    290. double disC = 0.0;
    291. plMin->getDistAtPoint(ptMinClose,disC);
    292. plMin->getDistAtPoint(pt3dS,disS);
    293. plMin->getDistAtPoint(pt3dE,disE);
    294. AcGePoint2d ptClose2d;
    295. Pt3dTo2d(ptMinClose,ptClose2d);
    296. double curBulge = 0.0;
    297. plMin->getBulgeAt(plIndex,curBulge);
    298. 向前面画
    299. length = abs(disS - disC);
    300. AcDbPolyline* pl1 = new AcDbPolyline();
    301. pl1->setConstantWidth(lineWeight);
    302. pl1->setLayer(strLayer);
    303. int pl1Index = 0;
    304. StartWithP(plMin,plIndex,dis,length,segType,ptClose2d,!gotonext,pl1,pl1Index);
    305. AcDbObjectId idPl1 = LoadEntity(pl1);
    306. pIdArr.append(idPl1);
    307. 移除第1个箭头
    308. RemoveEntity(idPointer1);
    309. --------------------向后面画--先画箭头------------------------
    310. AcDbObjectId idPointer2;
    311. DrawPointer(plMin,gotonext,plIndex,pt3dE,idPointer2);
    312. int count = plMin->numVerts();
    313. AcDbPolyline* pl2 = new AcDbPolyline();
    314. pl2->setConstantWidth(lineWeight);
    315. pl2->setLayer(strLayer);
    316. int pl2Index = 0;
    317. if(plIndex == count - 1)
    318. {
    319. double total = 0.0;
    320. double endParam = 0.0;
    321. plMin->getEndParam(endParam);
    322. plMin->getDistAtParam(endParam,total);
    323. disE = total;
    324. }
    325. length = abs(disC - disE);
    326. strDis.Format(采用T("\n输入该方向的禁止开口长度<%.2f>:"),dis);
    327. acedInitGet(RSG采用NOZERO+RSG采用NONEG,NULL);
    328. ret = acedGetReal(strDis,&dis);
    329. if(ret == RTCAN)
    330. {
    331. delete plMin;
    332. RemoveEntity(idPointer2);
    333. EraseIds(pIdArr);
    334. return;
    335. }
    336. StartWithP(plMin,plIndex,dis,length,segType,ptClose2d,gotonext,pl2,pl2Index);
    337. AcDbObjectId idPl2 = LoadEntity(pl2);
    338. pIdArr.append(idPl2);
    339. 移除第二个箭头
    340. RemoveEntity(idPointer2);
    341. AcDbPolyline* plAll = new AcDbPolyline();
    342. plAll->setConstantWidth(lineWeight);
    343. plAll->setLayer(strLayer);
    344. int plAllIndex = 0;
    345. AppendPLinePoint(idPl1,!gotonext,plAll,plAllIndex);
    346. AppendPLinePoint(idPl2,gotonext,plAll,plAllIndex);
    347. LoadEntity(plAll);
    348. EraseIds(pIdArr);
    349. }
    350. delete plMin;
    351. return;
    352. }
    353. //不是点击位置开始的情况------------------------------------
    354. //第一条边
    355. AcDbPolyline* pLine1 = new AcDbPolyline();
    356. pLine1->setConstantWidth(lineWeight);
    357. pLine1->setLayer(strLayer);
    358. int pLine1Index = 0;
    359. AcGePoint2d ptNextS;
    360. AcGePoint2d ptNextE;
    361. GetNextPt(plMin,!gotonext,plIndex,ptNextS,ptNextE);
    362. DrawByLen(!gotonext,ptNextE,ptNextS,dis,plMin,pLine1,pLine1Index);
    363. AcDbObjectId idLine1 = LoadEntity(pLine1);
    364. idArr.append(idLine1);
    365. RemoveEntity(idPointer1);
    366. //第二条边
    367. strDis.Format(采用T("\n输入该方向的禁止开口长度<%.2f>:"),dis);
    368. acedInitGet(RSG采用NOZERO+RSG采用NONEG,NULL);
    369. ret = acedGetReal(strDis,&dis);
    370. if(ret == RTCAN)
    371. {
    372. delete plMin;
    373. EraseIds(idArr);
    374. return;
    375. }
    376. AcDbObjectId idPointer2;
    377. DrawPointer(plMin,gotonext,plIndex,pt3dE,idPointer2);
    378. AcDbPolyline* pLine2 = new AcDbPolyline();
    379. pLine2->setConstantWidth(lineWeight);
    380. pLine2->setLayer(strLayer);
    381. int pLine2Index = 0;
    382. GetNextPt(plMin,gotonext,plIndex,ptNextS,ptNextE);
    383. DrawByLen(gotonext,ptNextS,ptNextE,dis,plMin,pLine2,pLine2Index);
    384. AcDbObjectId idLine2 = LoadEntity(pLine2);
    385. idArr.append(idLine2);
    386. RemoveEntity(idPointer2);
    387. delete plMin;
    388. //合并多段线----------------------------------------
    389. AcDbPolyline* pl = new AcDbPolyline();
    390. pl->setConstantWidth(lineWeight);
    391. pl->setLayer(strLayer);
    392. int plIndex1 = 0;
    393. AppendPLinePoint(idLine1,false,pl,plIndex1);
    394. AppendPLinePoint(idLine,true,pl,plIndex1);
    395. AppendPLinePoint(idLine2,true,pl,plIndex1);
    396. LoadEntity(pl);
    397. //移除之前画上去的3条多段线
    398. EraseIds(idArr);
    399. }
    400. static void StartWithP(const AcDbPolyline* plMin,const int& plIndex,const double& dis,
    401. const double& length,const AcDbPolyline::SegType& segType,const AcGePoint2d& ptClose2d,const bool& gotonext,AcDbPolyline* pl1,int& pl1Index)
    402. {
    403. AcGePoint2d ptS;
    404. AcGePoint2d ptE;
    405. double curBulge = 0.0;
    406. plMin->getBulgeAt(plIndex,curBulge);
    407. double thisLen = 0.0;
    408. if(segType == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kArc)
    409. {
    410. AcGeCircArc2d arc2d;
    411. plMin->getArcSegAt(plIndex,arc2d);
    412. ptS = arc2d.startPoint();
    413. ptE = arc2d.endPoint();
    414. thisLen = arc2d.length(arc2d.paramOf(ptS),arc2d.paramOf(ptE));
    415. }
    416. else
    417. {
    418. AcGeLineSeg2d line2d;
    419. plMin->getLineSegAt(plIndex,line2d);
    420. ptS = line2d.startPoint();
    421. ptE = line2d.endPoint();
    422. }
    423. if(dis > length)
    424. {
    425. double bulge1 = 0.0;
    426. if(segType == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kArc)
    427. {
    428. bulge1 = tan(atan(curBulge) * length / thisLen);
    429. }
    430. if(!gotonext)
    431. {
    432. pl1->addVertexAt(pl1Index,ptClose2d,-bulge1);
    433. pl1Index++;
    434. pl1->addVertexAt(pl1Index,ptS);
    435. pl1Index ++;
    436. }
    437. else
    438. {
    439. pl1->addVertexAt(pl1Index,ptClose2d,bulge1);
    440. pl1Index++;
    441. pl1->addVertexAt(pl1Index,ptE);
    442. pl1Index ++;
    443. }
    444. AcGePoint2d ptNextS;
    445. AcGePoint2d ptNextE;
    446. GetNextPt(plMin,gotonext,plIndex,ptNextS,ptNextE);
    447. DrawByLen(gotonext,ptNextS,ptNextE,dis-length,plMin,pl1,pl1Index);
    448. }
    449. else
    450. {
    451. AcGePoint2d ptEnding;
    452. if(segType == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kArc)
    453. {
    454. AcGeCircArc2d arc2d;
    455. plMin->getArcSegAt(plIndex,arc2d);
    456. if(!gotonext)
    457. {
    458. GetPtAtDistOnCurve(&arc2d,ptClose2d,dis,ptEnding,Adesk::kFalse);
    459. }
    460. else
    461. {
    462. GetPtAtDistOnCurve(&arc2d,ptClose2d,dis,ptEnding,Adesk::kTrue);
    463. }
    464. }
    465. else
    466. {
    467. AcGeLineSeg2d line2d;
    468. plMin->getLineSegAt(plIndex,line2d);
    469. if(!gotonext)
    470. {
    471. GetPtAtDistOnCurve(&line2d,ptClose2d,dis,ptEnding,Adesk::kFalse);
    472. }
    473. else
    474. {
    475. GetPtAtDistOnCurve(&line2d,ptClose2d,dis,ptEnding,Adesk::kTrue);
    476. }
    477. }
    478. double bulge1 = 0.0;
    479. if(segType == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kArc)
    480. {
    481. bulge1 = tan(atan(curBulge) * dis / thisLen);
    482. }
    483. if(!gotonext)
    484. {
    485. pl1->addVertexAt(pl1Index,ptClose2d,-bulge1);
    486. }
    487. else
    488. {
    489. pl1->addVertexAt(pl1Index,ptClose2d,bulge1);
    490. }
    491. pl1Index++;
    492. pl1->addVertexAt(pl1Index,ptEnding);
    493. }
    494. }
    495. static void GetNextPt(const AcDbPolyline* plMin,const bool& gotonext,const int& plIndex,AcGePoint2d& ptNextS,AcGePoint2d& ptNextE)
    496. {
    497. int nextIndex = 0;
    498. int count = plMin->numVerts();
    499. if(!gotonext)
    500. {
    501. if(plIndex > 0)
    502. {
    503. nextIndex = plIndex - 1;
    504. }
    505. else
    506. {
    507. nextIndex = count - 1;
    508. }
    509. }
    510. else
    511. {
    512. if(plIndex < count - 1)
    513. {
    514. nextIndex = plIndex + 1;
    515. }
    516. else
    517. {
    518. nextIndex = 0;
    519. }
    520. }
    521. AcDbPolyline::SegType nextType = plMin->segType(nextIndex);
    522. if(nextType == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kArc)
    523. {
    524. AcGeCircArc2d arc2d;
    525. plMin->getArcSegAt(nextIndex,arc2d);
    526. ptNextS = arc2d.startPoint();
    527. ptNextE = arc2d.endPoint();
    528. }
    529. else
    530. {
    531. AcGeLineSeg2d line2d;
    532. plMin->getLineSegAt(nextIndex,line2d);
    533. ptNextS = line2d.startPoint();
    534. ptNextE = line2d.endPoint();
    535. }
    536. }
    537. 合成多段线
    538. static void AppendPLinePoint(const AcDbObjectId& id,const bool& gotoNext,AcDbPolyline* pLine,int& plIndex)
    539. {
    540. AcDbEntity* pEnt = NULL;
    541. Acad::ErrorStatus es = acdbOpenObject(pEnt,id,AcDb::OpenMode::kForRead);
    542. if(es != Acad::eOk)
    543. {
    544. acutPrintf(采用T("open object failed in combine pline"));
    545. return;
    546. }
    547. if(!pEnt->isKindOf(AcDbPolyline::desc()))
    548. {
    549. pEnt->close();
    550. return;
    551. }
    552. AcDbPolyline* pPoly = NULL;
    553. pPoly = (AcDbPolyline*)pEnt;
    554. AcGePoint2dArray ptArr;
    555. int count = pPoly->numVerts();
    556. AcGePoint2d pt ;
    557. double bulge = 0.0;
    558. if(gotoNext)
    559. {
    560. for(int i = 0;i < count ; i++)
    561. {
    562. pPoly->getPointAt(i,pt);
    563. pPoly->getBulgeAt(i,bulge);
    564. pLine->addVertexAt(plIndex,pt,bulge);
    565. plIndex++;
    566. }
    567. }
    568. else
    569. {
    570. for(int i = count - 1;i > 0; i--)
    571. {
    572. pPoly->getPointAt(i,pt);
    573. if(i > 0)
    574. {
    575. pPoly->getBulgeAt(i - 1,bulge);
    576. }
    577. else
    578. {
    579. pPoly->getBulgeAt(0,bulge);
    580. }
    581. pLine->addVertexAt(plIndex,pt,-bulge);
    582. plIndex++;
    583. }
    584. }
    585. pEnt->close();
    586. }
    587. static void EraseIds(AcDbObjectIdArray idArr)
    588. {
    589. if(idArr == NULL || idArr.length() == 0)
    590. {
    591. return;
    592. }
    593. for(int i = 0;i < idArr.length(); i++)
    594. {
    595. AcDbEntity* pDel = NULL;
    596. if(Acad::eOk != acdbOpenObject(pDel,idArr.at(i),AcDb::OpenMode::kForWrite))
    597. {
    598. continue;
    599. }
    600. if(Acad::eOk != pDel->erase())
    601. {
    602. acutPrintf(采用T("\n删除第%d个实体失败"),i);
    603. }
    604. pDel->close();
    605. }
    606. }
    607. 绘制箭头(ptStart 为转角线段的起点)
    608. static void DrawPointer(const AcDbPolyline* pl,bool gotonext,const int& plIndex,const AcGePoint3d& ptDraw,AcDbObjectId& idPointer)
    609. {
    610. //--当前边相关信息
    611. AcGePoint3d ptCurStart;
    612. AcGePoint3d ptCurEnd;
    613. AcGeCircArc3d arc3dCur;
    614. AcGeLineSeg3d line3dCur;
    615. AcDbPolyline::SegType curType = pl->segType(plIndex);
    616. if(curType == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kArc)
    617. {
    618. pl->getArcSegAt(plIndex,arc3dCur);
    619. ptCurStart = arc3dCur.startPoint();
    620. ptCurEnd = arc3dCur.endPoint();
    621. }
    622. else
    623. {
    624. pl->getLineSegAt(plIndex,line3dCur);
    625. ptCurStart = line3dCur.startPoint();
    626. ptCurEnd = line3dCur.endPoint();
    627. }
    628. double paramDraw = 0.0;
    629. if(pl->getParamAtPoint(ptDraw,paramDraw)!=Acad::eOk)
    630. {
    631. return;
    632. }
    633. AcGeVector3d v3d;
    634. pl->getFirstDeriv(paramDraw,v3d);
    635. AcGeVector2d v(v3d[X],v3d[Y]);
    636. AcGePoint2d pt0(ptDraw[X],ptDraw[Y]);
    637. v.normalize();
    638. if(!gotonext)
    639. {
    640. v = -v;
    641. }
    642. AcGeVector2d vVer = v;
    643. 绘制箭头
    644. AcDbPolyline* pLine = new AcDbPolyline();
    645. pLine->addVertexAt(0,pt0);
    646. vVer.rotateBy(PI/2);
    647. AcGePoint2d pt1 = pt0 + vVer *POINTERWIDTH / 2;
    648. pLine->addVertexAt(1,pt1);
    649. vVer.rotateBy(-PI/2);
    650. AcGePoint2d pt2 = pt1 + vVer * POINTERLENGTH;
    651. pLine->addVertexAt(2,pt2);
    652. vVer.rotateBy(PI/2);
    653. AcGePoint2d pt3 = pt2 + vVer * POINTERWIDTH / 2;
    654. pLine->addVertexAt(3,pt3);
    655. vVer.rotateBy(- 3 * PI/4);
    656. AcGePoint2d pt4 = pt3 + vVer * sqrt(2.0) * POINTERWIDTH;
    657. pLine->addVertexAt(4,pt4);
    658. vVer.rotateBy(-PI/2);
    659. AcGePoint2d pt5 = pt4 + vVer * sqrt(2.0) * POINTERWIDTH;
    660. pLine->addVertexAt(5,pt5);
    661. vVer.rotateBy(-3 * PI/4);
    662. AcGePoint2d pt6 = pt5 + vVer * POINTERWIDTH / 2;
    663. pLine->addVertexAt(6,pt6);
    664. vVer.rotateBy(PI/2);
    665. AcGePoint2d pt7 = pt6 + vVer * POINTERLENGTH ;
    666. pLine->addVertexAt(7,pt7);
    667. vVer.rotateBy(-PI/2);
    668. AcGePoint2d pt8 = pt7 + vVer * POINTERWIDTH / 2;
    669. pLine->addVertexAt(8,pt8);
    670. idPointer = LoadEntity(pLine);
    671. }
    672. static void RemoveEntity(AcDbObjectId entId)
    673. {
    674. AcDbEntity* pEnt = NULL;
    675. if(acdbOpenObject(pEnt,entId,AcDb::OpenMode::kForWrite) == Acad::eOk)
    676. {
    677. if(pEnt->erase() != Acad::eOk)
    678. {
    679. acutPrintf(采用T("\n移除对象失败"));
    680. return;
    681. }
    682. }
    683. else
    684. {
    685. acutPrintf(采用T("\n打开对象失败"));
    686. }
    687. pEnt->close();
    688. }
    689. 2d坐标转为3d
    690. static void Pt2dTo3d(AcGePoint2d& pt2d,AcGePoint3d& pt3d)
    691. {
    692. pt3d[X] = pt2d[X];
    693. pt3d[Y] = pt2d[Y];
    694. pt3d[Z] = 0;
    695. }
    696. 3d坐标转化为X,Y轴上的2D坐标
    697. static void Pt3dTo2d(const AcGePoint3d& pt3d,AcGePoint2d& pt2d)
    698. {
    699. pt2d = pt3d.convert2d(AcGePlane(AcGePoint3d::kOrigin, AcGeVector3d(0,0, 1)));
    700. }
    701. //from:起点,to:终点(这两点要相邻)
    702. //paramDis:沿着多段线画多长
    703. //pl:多段线
    704. //pPoly:新的多段线
    705. static void DrawByLen(const bool& gotoNext ,const AcGePoint2d& from,const AcGePoint2d& to,const double& paramDis,const AcDbPolyline* pl,AcDbPolyline* pPoly,int& polyIndex)
    706. {
    707. if(paramDis <= 0)
    708. {
    709. return;
    710. }
    711. int len = pl->numVerts();
    712. AcGeCircArc2d arc2d;
    713. AcGeLineSeg2d line2d;
    714. AcGePoint2d ptS;
    715. AcGePoint2d ptE;
    716. bool isFind = false;
    717. int plIndex = 0;
    718. AcGeCurve2d* pCurve = NULL;
    719. for(int i = 0;i < len;i++)
    720. {
    721. AcDbPolyline::SegType st = pl->segType(i);
    722. if(st == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kArc)
    723. {
    724. pl->getArcSegAt(i,arc2d);
    725. pCurve = &arc2d;
    726. }
    727. else if(st == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kLine)
    728. {
    729. pl->getLineSegAt(i,line2d);
    730. pCurve = &line2d;
    731. }
    732. if(!pCurve->hasStartPoint(ptS) || !pCurve->hasEndPoint(ptE))
    733. {
    734. continue;
    735. }
    736. if(ptS == from && ptE == to || ptS == to && ptE == from)
    737. {
    738. plIndex = i;
    739. isFind = true;
    740. break;
    741. }
    742. }
    743. double sumDis = 0.0;
    744. if(isFind)
    745. {
    746. DrawIt(gotoNext,pl,paramDis,from,polyIndex,plIndex,sumDis,pPoly);
    747. }
    748. else
    749. {
    750. acutPrintf(采用T("\nnot found"));
    751. }
    752. }
    753. //summary
    754. //指定一个起点和一条多段线,沿着多段线画出指定距离,递归执行,每次往后(前)移动一个点,直到画完指定的距离,
    755. //pl:多段线
    756. //paramDis:画多长
    757. //ptStart:起始点
    758. //polyIndex:添加到第几个了
    759. //plIndex,遍历到多段线第几条线
    760. //isSToE,遍历的顺序1:从前向后  0:从后向前
    761. //sumDis,目前画的总长度
    762. //pPoly:画出来的多段线
    763. static void DrawIt(const bool& gotoNext,const AcDbPolyline* pl,const double& paramDis,const AcGePoint2d& ptStart,int& polyIndex,int& plIndex,double& sumDis,AcDbPolyline* pPoly)
    764. {
    765. AcDbPolyline::SegType st = pl->segType(plIndex);
    766. AcGePoint2d ptS;
    767. AcGePoint2d ptE;
    768. double leftDis = 0.0;
    769. double curveDis = 0.0;
    770. double bulge = 0.0;
    771. AcGeCurve2d* pCurve = NULL;
    772. AcGeCircArc2d arc2d;
    773. AcGeLineSeg2d line2d;
    774. int len = pl->numVerts();
    775. if(polyIndex == 2*(len - 2))
    776. {
    777. acutPrintf(采用T("\nend poly is %d"),polyIndex);
    778. return;
    779. }
    780. if(st == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kArc)
    781. {
    782. pl->getArcSegAt(plIndex,arc2d);
    783. pCurve = &arc2d;!!!注意:指针的生命周期一定要大于等于指向的变量的生命周期,否则变量release掉指针就空了,再次使用指针程序直接崩溃!!
    784. }
    785. else if(st == AcDbPolyline::SegType::kLine)
    786. {
    787. pl->getLineSegAt(plIndex,line2d);
    788. pCurve = &line2d;
    789. }
    790. if(!pCurve->hasStartPoint(ptS) || !pCurve->hasEndPoint(ptE))
    791. {
    792. return;
    793. }
    794. curveDis = pCurve->length(pCurve->paramOf(ptS),pCurve->paramOf(ptE));
    795. leftDis = paramDis - sumDis;
    796. pl->getBulgeAt(plIndex,bulge);
    797. if(curveDis > leftDis)
    798. {
    799. double paramEnding = 0.0;
    800. if(gotoNext)
    801. {
    802. AcGePoint2d ptEnding;
    803. AcGePoint2d ptS;
    804. pCurve->hasStartPoint(ptS);
    805. GetPtAtDistOnCurve(pCurve,ptS,leftDis,ptEnding,Adesk::kTrue);
    806. bulge = tan(atan(bulge) * leftDis/curveDis);
    807. pPoly->addVertexAt(polyIndex,ptS,bulge);
    808. polyIndex ++;
    809. pPoly->addVertexAt(polyIndex,ptEnding);
    810. }
    811. else
    812. {
    813. AcGePoint2d ptEnding;
    814. AcGePoint2d ptE;
    815. pCurve->hasEndPoint(ptE);
    816. GetPtAtDistOnCurve(pCurve,ptE,leftDis,ptEnding,Adesk::kFalse);
    817. bulge = tan(atan(bulge) * leftDis/curveDis);
    818. pPoly->addVertexAt(polyIndex,ptE,-bulge);
    819. polyIndex ++;
    820. pPoly->addVertexAt(polyIndex,ptEnding);
    821. }
    822. return;
    823. }
    824. else
    825. {
    826. if(gotoNext)
    827. {
    828. pPoly->addVertexAt(polyIndex,ptS,bulge);
    829. polyIndex ++;
    830. pPoly->addVertexAt(polyIndex,ptE);
    831. polyIndex ++;
    832. //acutPrintf(采用T("\nplIndex is %d,poly is %d。is goto next,bulge is %.2f"),plIndex,polyIndex,bulge);
    833. }
    834. else
    835. {
    836. pPoly->addVertexAt(polyIndex,ptE,-bulge);
    837. polyIndex ++;
    838. pPoly->addVertexAt(polyIndex,ptS);
    839. polyIndex ++;
    840. }
    841. /*acutPrintf(采用T("\nptS[X] :%.2f,ptS[Y]:%.2f,ptE[X]:%.2f,ptE[Y]:%.2f"),ptS[X],ptS[Y],ptE[X],ptE[Y]);*/
    842. sumDis += curveDis;
    843. }
    844. if(gotoNext)
    845. {
    846. plIndex = plIndex < len - 1  ? ++plIndex : 0;
    847. }
    848. else
    849. {
    850. plIndex = plIndex > 0 ? --plIndex : len - 1;
    851. }
    852. DrawIt(gotoNext,pl,paramDis,ptStart,polyIndex,plIndex,sumDis,pPoly);
    853. }
    854. 反回曲线上一定距离的点(默认从起点开始计算)
    855. pCurve:曲线指针,dist:距离,point:要返回的点
    856. Adesk::Boolean isGotoNext  true:沿着正向寻找,false:沿着反方向寻找
    857. static void GetPtAtDistOnCurve(const AcGeCurve2d* pCurve,const AcGePoint2d& ptInput,double dist,AcGePoint2d& point,Adesk::Boolean isGotoNext)
    858. {
    859. if(pCurve == NULL)
    860. {
    861. return;
    862. }
    863. AcGePoint2d ptS;
    864. ptS = ptInput;
    865. double pa = 0.0;
    866. double datumParam = 0.0;
    867. //Adesk::Boolean posParamDir = Adesk::kTrue;
    868. datumParam = pCurve->paramOf(ptS);
    869. pa = pCurve->paramAtLength(datumParam,dist,isGotoNext);
    870. point = pCurve->evalPoint(pa);
    871. }





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